Recall Games Part 3

Recall Games Part 3

Be someone your dog wants to come to!

While out walking, adventuring, sniffing and playing…. Surprise your dog with an amazing “find”.

Become part of the hunt and find. Be part of the pack.

Dogs love the hunt and are looking for something interesting all the time.

Drop to your knees or bend down and about “ Fido! Come!” When he gets there show him what you have found.

Perhaps you have tossed out some high value treats on the ground, or gone out ahead of time and hidden some in a secret spot

Make sure he shows up and Celebrate like crazy when he gets there.

We want him to think you are the best finder! Be sure to pay out time and time again.

In an emergency, he won’t know you don’t have a reward. So you’ll still want to celebrate like crazy! Just don’t fool him unnecessarily


How Social Are Dogs


Recall Games Part 2