Down Stay

I leave clients with assigned homework every week. For example a down-stay in random spots inside the house and down-stays outside too. The goal is not about a "trick" of down position for a treat. It's not about down and popping back up in 2 seconds. It's about down for a period of time, anywhere I put the dog. Up to 30 minutes. Just because it's 2:19 in the afternoon.

It's not about the position or the location-- it's about the state of mind, and expectations to do what I "need" them to do when I need it, the first time I ask -- even at home. Lay down and chill ... until .. and no matter what I'm doing.

It's a breakthrough exercise. It's a leadership exercise.

I often walk back into a client a week later and they tell me it didn't go well. I ask for a "show me" demonstration.

And then I do it. I follow through, I'm clear. I'm energetically neutral, but have specific expectations and the dog will start to do achieve success. They may show some signs of confusion, frustration, or even stress.

I can tell at that moment they have not been pushed to this point before. It has not been clear to them. The dog may not like it because it's not normal. But it's not a big deal and not harmful at all. Just push the breakthrough friends. Follow-through, hold the dog accountable and claim your calm, confident leadership. Just do it.

Owners are amazed! You created a miracle they say. We haven't been able to do that! He won't do that for me! And then I prove they can.

Sure I won't often put a dog in a down stay in the guest bath in the future -- but I want you to be able to! So it's a homework assignment. I want the dog to down stay, come when called, etc anytime you ask. There will be times in the future -- you need an emergency down stay & a reliable one.

I want those down stays at the vet's lobby, the cafe for lunch, when we're at grandma's house, etc.

Manage Your Frustration:

We already know the dog is going to be frustrated. A down-stay behind the dining room table isn’t normal. A down-stay in the hall isn’t normal. Especially if they can’t see you, and would rather be on the couch or with the companion dog, or calling the shots around the house.

When you challenge your dog to do something new — especially if you’re challenging their role as leader of the pack of being spoiled rotten — they will resist! Most every dog is going to push back, resist and try to get out of doing these exercises. You cannot get frustrated. Don’t.

Once we know the dog understand the position of down and the release work — proofing is a matter of the 3D’s — distance, duration, and distraction.

You have to follow-through, calmly and consistently every single time until they get the message.

The resistance is normal! Including your resistance to me requiring you to do this!


Exercise Your Dog


Bark Collars