Recall Games

Recall Is a Life Saving Skill

Every dog needs a reliable recall. Every. Dog.

Recall games should be fun and should have a very high-value reward. Yes, I encourage you to PAY your dog every time they show up on command.

For puppies and new to you dogs -- pay them 100% of the time. Make them anticipate reward when you clearly call out the word "Come". Pair that payment with praise and affection.

That may be high-value food rewards during training. But it can also be to come for their food bowl, to get their leash on, to go outside for a walk -- use the language "Come or Here" -- to invite your dog to something fun.

When out walking, give them plenty of sniffing, potty and meander time -- but call them to come for reward -- and release them to go back to what they were doing.

Recall should NOT be the end of fun. If they catch on that come is not so much fun and has no payoff, they are likely to start blowing you off.

In time you can learn to wean off the rewards or even add in a consequence for not coming when called -- but that's not during the teaching phase.

If you do not have a reliable recall under distraction or stress -- your dog should not be off leash AND should learn to not bolt out doors.


Recall Games Part 2


Recall To Place